Assess Your Company’s Remote Working

At a time when more than two-thirds of employers are making future plans for remote work, it is vital to understand your team’s capabilities – and gaps – in acclimating to these changes.

Providing Insight and Strengths

RemoteWorkQ is an assessment built to give leaders and managers the means to gain analytical insight into the prepared readiness of their employees to work remotely – identifying strengths, engagement, and areas for development and support.

Your employees work differently when they work remotely. This makes the support they require different, too. In a world where working from home has quickly become the new normal, we help you ensure they are ready to excel.

SHL’s RemoteWorkQ identifies your organization’s strengths as well as its areas for development and support in this new world of work. This enables you to plan, prepare and develop for remote work success.


Introducing RemoteWorkQ

SHL’s RemoteWorkQ assesses remote work readiness through a short, targeted questionnaire. It’s that simple.

Your employee takes a 10 minute online questionnaire on work habits and self-motivation. Quick, easy, efficient.

We match their responses to eight behaviours that are critical to remote work success using SHL’s unrivalled psychometric science.

We then provide you fast, powerful insight and tips into their readiness to excel and areas where they may need support.

This actionable insight enables your people to work productively and effectively from home, helps you ensure their well-being, and prepares your business to function at its best in this new reality.

Time-Tested Science You Trust

The RemoteWorkQ is brought to you by the people who built the ground-breaking OPQ.

Forty years ago, SHL changed the world of psychometric science with our flagship Occupational Personality Questionnaire. Now we’re doing it again.

With billions of data points and hundreds of occupational psychologists working behind the scenes, SHL’s RemoteWorkQ provides businesses around the world with a unique, timely, and valuable perspective into the readiness of their workforces to perform in a remote environment.

Why RemoteWorkQ?

Increase Engagement and Productivity

Provide the exact support your employees need right now – build a remote working culture that leads to success.

Plan for Success

Identify areas of strength and those in need of development.

Transform Your Business Now

Ensure that your employees are not only ready to work from home, but also to excel in their remote environment.

Contact Us at Jo Thompson Recruitment Ltd to find out more on 0844 292 0800

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